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Anchor supports Team Rynkeby

6 December, 2024

Anchor supports Team Rynkeby in the fight for children with critical illnesses

Anchor is proud to continue to support and sponsor Team Rynkeby. Every year, Anchor wants to contribute to a better world by sponsoring or donating money to a good cause at Christmas time. For the past two years, we have chosen to support Team Rynkeby.
In 2025, they will cycle to Paris to raise money for children affected by life-threatening diseases and their families.

A common goal for an important cause

This year, Team Rynkeby consists of 68 teams from eight European countries and one international team. Over the past 22 years, the project has raised over €100 million for the cause.
In Sweden, the money goes to Barncancerfonden and Hjärnfonden Barn, which provide invaluable support to these children and their families.

Anchor is actively involved

This year, Anchor continues to actively participate in this important project by providing a bronze sponsorship. Claes Östman, CEO and Sponsorship Manager at Anchor comments:

Anchor places great emphasis on teamwork and goal focus and this is central to supporting our clients in their business development. Team Rynkeby's business rests on the same foundations. Therefore, it is natural for us to continue to support Team Rynkeby.

Team Rynkeby1
Team Rynkeby

An action that makes a difference

Paul Chronqvist Svensson, Swedish Country Director of the Team Rynkeby Foundation, expresses his gratitude for the massive support the project receives year after year.

Community on two wheels for vital research

When cyclists don their eye-catching yellow cycling gear and set off on the long journey to Paris, it is not just a physical achievement. Rather, it is a collective effort towards a shared goal that reflects a desire to make a difference - together.


About Team Rynkeby

Team Rynkeby is a European charity cycling team that cycles to Paris every summer to raise money for children with serious illnesses. The team was founded in 2002 by 11 amateur cyclists linked to Rynkeby Foods A/S. Since then, it has grown to include more than 2,000 cyclists and 500 service members across 68 teams in 8 countries.

The aim of Team Rynkeby is to support children with critical illnesses and their families. To achieve this, Team Rynkeby therefore raises money for various childhood cancer funds and other charities. For example, in 2023, Team Rynkeby donated a total of €9.1 million to these causes. In addition, their efforts have inspired many others to get involved in similar charitable activities.

Team Rynkeby2
Team Rynkeby

About Claes Östman

»I am driven by desire - the desire to make a difference. My strength lies in looking beyond the problems, to the causes. It's only when you take the time to think about the causes that you can solve the problems.«