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Biodiversity as a strategic resource

3 July, 2024

Biodiversity - an investment for the future of your business

Biodiversity is not only an environmental issue, but also a business issue. Companies that invest in promoting biodiversity can benefit from new business opportunities, cost savings, innovations and opportunities to attract capital.

Why should companies prioritize biodiversity as a strategic resource?

Businesses are societal actors that account for a significant share of global impacts on biodiversity. They are also key players in terms of their ability and capacity to help reverse or halt the trend of biodiversity loss.

The World Economic Forum points out that global economic activities are, to a greater or lesser extent, linked to healthy ecosystems. Every business benefits from nature's resources, be it clean water, pollination or raw materials such as wood, cotton and fish. However, businesses also have a significant impact on the environment and are responsible for managing the Earth's resources in a sustainable way.

How can businesses adapt and improve their operations?

Businesses can adapt and improve their operations to support biodiversity in several ways:

1. map the dependence and impact of your business and value chain on biodiversity

This means identifying how the company's activities affect different species and ecosystems, and how these in turn affect the company's activities. For example, Ecogain's Climb tool, which calculates biodiversity within a geographical area, supports this. It enables companies to calculate and monitor their impact.

2. set science-based biodiversity targets

These targets should be in line with the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), an organization that helps companies set science-based targets to reduce their environmental impact.

3. Act now - develop an ambition to reduce negative impacts and increase the positive contribution

The ambition may involve changing business practices, investing in sustainable technologies, or collaborating with other companies and organisations to promote biodiversity. After mapping impacts and setting science-based targets, companies can benefit from the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). The GBF is a global blueprint for protecting and restoring biodiversity. The framework provides a structure for integrating biodiversity into business models. The GBF can support companies that want to enhance and improve biodiversity, while finding business value and opportunities. By following the GBF, companies can ensure that their activities contribute to a sustainable future for all.

What business benefits can companies achieve?

Companies that actively work and invest in biodiversity can achieve multiple business benefits:

Risk management

Businesses are better equipped to manage risks that can affect their operations, costs or brand.

Developing the organization

Companies that work actively with diversity have the opportunity to strengthen their brand while retaining existing and attracting new talented and committed employees. New business opportunities
Nature-positive models are estimated to have business opportunities worth up to USD 10.1 trillion/year by 2030. To tap into this market, companies should focus on being innovative. In addition, the focus should be on minimizing their environmental impact and working with local communities to protect and restore ecosystems. Innovation
Biodiversity is a source of innovation in sustainable products and services. For example, nearly 25% of our medicines are based on ingredients from the rainforest. Access to capital
Companies that actively and effectively manage biodiversity are better placed to attract capital. At the same time, they support the increased focus of banks and their clients on more sustainable investments.

Summary; See biodiversity as a strategic resource

  • Biodiversity is crucial for business survival and success
  • Businesses have a crucial role in preserving biodiversity
  • By mapping their impact, setting science-based targets and acting now, companies can make a positive contribution to biodiversity
  • Companies that actively work with and invest in biodiversity as a strategic resource can benefit from new business opportunities, cost savings, innovations and opportunities to attract capital

Businesses have the opportunity to make a real difference in preserving our planet's biodiversity. By taking responsibility for their impact and acting now, businesses can help ensure a sustainable future for us all. And it's the right thing to do!

Anchor supports you in your journey to a sustainable and diverse future

At Anchor Management Consulting, we can support you in the whole journey from developing your biodiversity ambition, through analyzing gaps and helping to create and prioritize your roadmap, to supporting the implementation of your successful changes. Initially, we like to start with a Quick Assessment. This means that within a limited timeframe and at a fixed cost, we review your company's current and desired state and create a clear roadmap for change. Whether it's improving your organization's biodiversity performance, removing barriers to growth, implementing new technologies or improving processes, we'll make sure to support you in making it happen for real.

About Anders Norén

››I draw my drive and energy primarily from two areas – customer focus and sustainability. Meeting and openly discussing with customers and their clients provides the opportunity to capture what is important to them. Sustainability is an area that has grown on me, and I have worked with these issues for the past eight years. I have led change journeys in sustainability that have started by formulating an ambition and a desired state, evaluating the current situation and gaps, as well as developing a roadmap with prioritized activities and estimated outcomes of different choices. It is clear to me that all companies need a sustainable strategy, an accompanying plan for how to achieve it, as well as building competence in sustainability and the ability to follow up on progress. I am accustomed to leading a change from strategy to implementation all the way through the organization.‹‹