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Anchor supports Swedish Red Cross work in Ukraine

20 December, 2022

For years, we have chosen to support aid organizations instead of giving customer gifts. In Ukraine, all the basics are needed when the infrastructure is destroyed. Red Cross volunteers are providing water, food, emergency support, medical equipment and infrastructure repairs, among many other things.

This year we wish you a Merry Christmas with a gift to the Swedish Red Cross in Ukraine

The picture shows Red Cross volunteers in Ukraine with the text: We support the Swedish Red Cross - Together we save lives in Ukraine


Most of our customers are active in research and infrastructure, which is good in times of crisis. Research leads to new knowledge, medicines and treatment methods that make more people healthy. We cannot contribute to research, but we are happy and proud that we can help to ensure that the results of research can be quickly and correctly industrialized and benefit people. The infrastructure ensures that, among other things, heat and water work as we expect, even if energy prices skyrocket. The ongoing war in Ukraine affects us all every day. Stunning news of attacks on civilian targets and casualties in the war. Falling energy prices and rising interest rates in our daily lives. But we persevere, the boycott against Russia is as necessary as our aid to Ukraine to show that Russia's war is not acceptable. The changes in our daily lives continue at lightning speed, we try to find the positive when the world is shaking. At the beginning of the pandemic, we learned to telework and reduce our flying. This year, we have learned to conserve energy and money. If we retain the knowledge from the crises, we will stay healthier, consume more sustainably and work more efficiently. This is good knowledge, won't we keep it when the crisis is over? We would like to thank our customers for allowing us to be part of their important work. Now, let's take a Christmas break and rest up with loved ones and friends.

A very Merry Christmas from us at Anchor!

Make a gift to Ukraine too!


About Claes Östman

»I am driven by desire - the desire to make a difference. My strength lies in looking beyond the problems, to the causes. It's only when you take the time to think about the causes that you can solve the problems.«